SETTING THE SCENE terrain book

Sunday 19 February 2023


 Well, you may think I have been quiet on the hobby front with no posts on this blog for over 9 months but you would be wrong. I have been busy working away on my Quatre Bras project and have now done enough to recreate the battle on the wargames table in 28mm, I just haven't been posting.

The list includes making/painting terrain, buildings, converting and painting over a thousand infantry figures, plus cavalry, artillery, command and casualty bases/counters for each battalion. 

Most of the figures are from the Perry Miniatures plastic box sets with their metal's for command. The Wheat fields are teddy bear fur which I ordered on-line but I am not too sure about the colour, I think they need to be a bit more beige in colour. 

There is still a lot more Napoleonic figures to paint for my Sharp Practice and General d'Armee collections but for now I have had my fill of painting Napoleonic and my next posts will be firmly back on my WW2 Chain of Command collections and some more terrain. 

This is going to be picture heavy as there is plenty to show. First off is the casualty bases with dice wells built into the bases to show shock or casualty status depending on which rule set I am using.

Sax Weimer and staff at QB.

French ADC's ready for assignment using GDA.

French High Command.

 The Nassau Brigade deployed with QB in the background.

French approaching Gemincourt stream.

QB in background again.

Background far right corner - Haus Cense Farm.
Dutch Belgian Brigade lining the ridge.

French cavalry on the right flank.



Van Merlin's Light Cavalry Brigade approaching QB crossroads.

Dutch 6th Hussars.

Belgian 5th Light Dragoons.

Picton's Division lining the old roman road leading towards Namur. 

View from Haus Cense Farm

The Brunswick Contingent.

Dutch Belgian Brigade 

Nassau Brigade

Picton's Division at crossroads QB.


Allied HQ at QB.

QB crossroads.

Pack leading his British Brigade. 

Brunswick Uhlans in the foreground and Gemioncourt farm at the back of the picture.

La Bergerie sheep farm in foreground and Gemioncourt in the distance.


Duke of Brunswick.

Dutch 6th Hussars foreground and Dutch/Belgian Militia lining the reverse slope. Gemioncourt Farm in distance.

6th Dutch Hussars and 5th Belgian Light Dragoons

Von Merlin, commander Dutch/Belgian Light Cavalry Brigade.

French cavalry ride around the marsh .

French Cuirassier.

French High Command.

Foy's French Infantry Division about to cross Gemioncourt stream. QB in background.

On French right flank their 5th Infantry Division advance down the slope towards the stream.



  1. When you see something like this, you wonder why we ever do anything else. Then we remember that each period etc. has its own attractions. Nevertheless this is quite a spectacle. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. worth the wait! really gorgeous

  3. Good to see you back . Great project

  4. No wonder you have not been posting, given what you have achieved in 9 months or so Pat. Absolutely wonderful work as always:).

  5. Holy heck that’s a lot of stuff completed to a smashing standard (as we’ve come to expect when we visit your blog Pat)!

    Have you at least run a game with this lot yet?

    1. Thanks Dai, yes seven of us played a game last Friday using GDA1 and we have Dave Brown coming around to umpire a game of GDA2 a week Friday which should be good fun.

    2. Great to hear. Perhaps you'll find time to take some pics and post up a wee writeup of how your games went? I know I for one would love to read them!

    3. In an ideal world I would take pictures and do a writeup for you Dai but they all take lots of time which I try and spend wisely with my making and painting and less time on the net.

    4. Darn you Pat and your all too sensible take on our hobby and blogging time constraints! :)

  6. That is fantastic stuff - your 9-month absence is excused, given the circumstances! I do agree about the teddy bear fur though - it's too light, almost looks like snow!

    1. Thanks rross, that's the problem with buying on line, they were quick and easy to make but I will revert to my old method of making wheat fields.

  7. Beautiful work, beautiful painting, buildings very representative of the architecture of the province of Hainaut.

    The units are historical and the uniforms are perfect. On the other hand I have some reservations concerning certain flags.

    - The regiments of the Kingdom of Holland will only receive their flags after the campaign in Belgium.
    - The flag made up of four yellow and green squares is a company pennant. Its dimensions are 40x40 cm. It is carried at the end of a rifle. This is the pennant of the company of voluntary hunters of Friesland. Raised in the region of Leeuwarden on April 12 in application of the royal decree of March 28, 1815, it is attached to the battalion of Dutch Hunters n°16 as a Flank company.
    On July 13 the company leaves Leeuwarden to take part in the occupation of France. On September 17, il participated in the encirclement of the fortress of Douai. On September 26, she takes her way back. Arrived in Leeuwarden on October 18 to the cheers of the population, the company was dissolved the next day.
    Placed in the house of the Province (Provinciehuis) the pennant is now kept in the deposit of the museum of Friesland.

    Number 24 of the journal Soldats Napoléoniens devotes an article to this unit which was burning with the desire to fight the French and suffered only one loss. A soldier who died of exhaustion at the end of a parade, probably on August 28, 1815.

    26asc%3D20200818143230%26meid%3De0d905b621d447f995a44fd83214098e%26pid%3D101224%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D5%26b%3D1%26sd%3D124873490417%26itm%3D303759663555%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DDefaultOrganicWeb&_trksid=p2047675. c101224.m-1

    - The only Dutch-Belgian units with a flag during the campaign of 1815 were the regiments of the principality of Orange-Nassau, fiefdom of the new King of Holland.

    1. Thanks for such comprehensive feedback, you obviously know your history.

  8. Excellent work Pat and amazing amount of productivity!


  9. Splendid work and some inspiration as I paint my next Napoleonic unit. 👍

  10. Thanks Matt, I will need to inspire myself to go back to Napoleonic's, it's going to be WW2 for a while now.

  11. Great looking table and armys, something to be proud of :)
    Love your books hope you do more someday :)

  12. It is nice to see you back in action.

    The table looks good although the distance from the omitted Bossu wood by the Les Trois Bras is only 150 metres.

    The rye etc would be green in June.

    This had a funnelling effect in my refight.

    Thomas Stoney’s wonderful paintings show this to good effect.


    Best wishes C Dodson

  13. Splendid looking Napoleonics! I've been painting Nassau troops recently, I'm still in a Napoleonic groove but I think after over a year of exclusively Napoleonics I might need a change soon! Lovely as always to see a new post of yours!
    Best Iain

  14. Whoops, I meant to say the distance from the Brussels road by the Trois Bras inn to the wood was 150m, hence the constriction.

    The terrain is crossed by many streams and hedges, not least the Gemincourt stream lined by a thorn hedge, all of which severely hindered the French advance at the original action.

    Another major disorganiser was that Ney only had Hermes as an ADC and had taken command late the day before.

    Best wishes,


    1. Thanks very much chaps and also thanks for the observation with the rye being green in June. With that info hopefully I can put things right. After playing QB a couple of times we removed Bossu wood and just lined the edge of the table with a couple of trees, as it did become a bottleneck with the lack of space. Thanks again.

  15. Due to spam once again, I am closing the comments until my next post.


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