Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Mediterranean WW2 and Napoleonic WIP.

It has been a while since my last post so a WIP update of the WW2 Sicily/Italy and Napoleonic Peninsular projects.

I have been busy on the hobby front but it has been the boring preparation of figures and terrain. I have now got the cleaning/filing/gluing/priming and basing out of the way for this batch at least, although there will be plenty more to come as I progress.

To get the project started, we have some buildings and small items of terrain which have been prepped ready for the next stage. These are commercial items from various companies which will be suitable for both Sicily/Italy and Spain and will have additional items added and removed so that the same terrain can be used for WW2 or Napoleonic.
On the WW2 figure front I have completed a platoon of both German and British infantry. There is a second platoon of each that have been prepped and these are a mixture of metal and plastic with plenty of additional supports. I also have a platoon of Fallschrimjager and supports in the lead pile and will be adding the Perry Miniatures WW2 American's for the Mediterranean to this when they become available.

The second platoon of Brits will be in long trousers for when they move from Sicily to Italy and those cooler evenings start to draw in.

I had a couple of boxes of both British and German with the Perry plastics so I decided to use some of the spares for JOP or jump off points.

As you can see in the cabinet, a chunk of figures primed and ready to go, so hopefully painting production will be full steam ahead. Having said that, when the weather is good, I may have to put the figures on the back burner and concentrate on the terrain mat and any mountainous terrain.

In my last post I showed you some 95th Rifles that I had painted, well here is the rest of them. They are all Perry plastic with quite a bit of converting, with leg/torso/arm and head swaps and plenty of green stuff for patches and torn clothing. I hope to paint these up so that they look like they have been campaigning hard.

Steve Lampon will be starting a Face Book for me, Setting The Scene 2, which will be a WIP of the second book in the Mediterranean, if it comes to fruition. I will add a link as and when I get it.

 As with all my posts, I will be finishing off with a link for anyone interested in going on the waiting list for my Winter book SETTING THE SCENE to contact
and once I have enough interest I will do a third print run.


  1. Great start to this project with the infantry. Lots of glorious figures to grace the blog page once painted.

  2. Beautiful looking painted British and Germans, really like the Perry miniatures, quite unique JOP Pat, and wow you have a big collection.
    cheers JOhn

    1. Thanks John, I still have to add the Spanish and Portuguese to the Naps and possibly Italians along with the yanks for WW2 and then there is the vehicles.

  3. Impressive already Pat! As with everything you do I will really enjoy watching progress through this project and nab some ideas along the way.


    1. Thanks Christopher, you nab a few bits off me and I will nab a few bits off you.

  4. Nicely done Pat, beautiful figures!

  5. A mediterranean „Setting the Scene“? Shut up and take my money I‘d say 😉
    No honestly, wonderful looking figures and I‘m looking forward to see your new project coming along. Will there be a special discount or honourable mention for early orders? No matter you can sign me up for one of those books Pat.

    1. Thanks Nick. If you want to contribute to the book like you did the last one, then you are more than welcome and you wont have to wait for the second print run this time to get your name in the book.

  6. This already looks wonderful Pat, can't wait for further updates.

  7. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on all of this. Very exciting indeedy! Do I see a couple of the lovely Charlie Foxtrot buildings?

    1. Thanks Matt. There are indeed three Charlie Foxtrot buildings amongst them and I will probably be using your excellent blog post of the colours that used for painting them.

  8. Good lord Pat, you are a flippin machine.
    Whilst i wont be starting a med project anytime soon,i will be very interested in your up coming book.

    1. Thanks Dai, early days yet but hopefully it will all come together.

  9. Great looking figures, good to hear your moving ahead with your next book, I'll be delighted to buy that one too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, glad you liked the first one.

  10. Very impressed so far Pat! Love those JOP too. Looking forward to seeing more.

  11. Very nice Pat! As my group has just started playing CoC in Sicily, I will be keeping a weather eye on your progress!

  12. Wonderful work Pat. Always an inspiration. I look forward to your next title!

  13. Looking forward to the new book and the new setting but i have to ask; where did you get the low stone walls? i see them in all your pictures and the look ace! Greets Davy

  14. Here you go Davy,

  15. Wow! A stunning collection :-O


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